Your friends at Wal-Mart have embarked on an ambitious
Even Wal-Mart with their 200-plus California locations can’t make CA a red state but Democrats nationally should worry about this effort. Research conducted by my firm shows that Wal-Mart shoppers are not Obama voters. McCain-Palin will benefit in a big way from these new registrations across the country.
The effort by Wal-Mart is a noble one, they have a large audience, 130+ million US visitors a week and 1.4 million associates. It is hard to criticize the retail giant for trying to increase civic participation. Although someone will.
Wal-Mart’s in-house TV network will feature a public service announcement on voter registration and urge shoppers and workers alike to visit a Wal-Mart sponsored web page that guides wannabe voters to the appropriate forms to fill out.
Wal-Mart doesn’t sell time on their in-house network for political ads but if third-quarter sales are off they might try to make up some of the shortfall with Obama money.