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Jon Fleischman

Who hangs out with Rep. Jerry McNerney? CODE PINK!

As the General Election approaches, we here at the FlashReport are going to be paying more attention – a LOT more attention – to the race for Congress in California’s 11th District, most of which is located in the Tracy/Stockton area of the Central Valley, with a chunk of it going over the hills into the East Bay Area. The incumbent candidate is Democrat Jerry McNerney, who is a far left extremist, who is totally out of synch with a district that is moderate in some areas, and quite conservative in others. The challenger is GOP fiscal hawk Dean Andal, who served in the State Legislature and on the State Board of Equalization.

I took a few minutes to start “researching” McNerney and, well, let’s just say that there is a ton of stuff available that shows how extreme and out-of-touch McNerney is with his constituents.

Just to start the ball rolling, let’s start with a “Look Who Hangs Out With Jerry McNerney” item…

I’m sure that every FR reader is familiar with Code Pink! But just in case you aren’t, this the (pardon the oxy-moron here) militant anti-military organization of women who, donning pink, go on a full scale offensive on America’s troops. From calling the patients and visitors at Walter Reed Medical Center “Terrorists” to calling World War II a “big mistake” – these folks are NUTS. If you don’t believe me, this video which is an amazing two minute look at how extreme and left wing these folks truly are…

This all becomes relevant because it took me nano-seconds online to find a report filed by three Code Pink! Activists (Janet Weil, Kathy Green and Nancy Mancias) entitled CODE PINK HAS PIZZA WITH JERRY MCNERNEY – where the glee on the part of our “pink ladies” that McNerney wants to impeach President Bush for getting us into a “religious war” is palpable.

The quote from McNerney, according to them:

When asked about impeachment he said, “the bottom line is we (Democrats) don’t have the votes to impeach the President, Congressman Waxman is looking into allegations, let the Committee of Oversight do their job, I would like to see the President removed.”

Given the fact that these folks see our American soldiers as terrorists, and have no problem screaming at our troops thusly, the fact that they complement McNerney as being “intelligent” and possessing “sincerity” is probably all we need to know.

We’ll be back soon with more of extremist Rep. Jerry McNerney. Good grief!

One Response to “Who hangs out with Rep. Jerry McNerney? CODE PINK!”

  1. Says:

    The Daily Show (of all people) did a pretty good job lampooning Code Pink also: