Years of wasteful spending finally caught up with the Sacramento Library Director—. So, what does she do? She hires a high profile public relations firm with $11,000 taxpayer dollars in order to put a positive spin on a very scandalous situation.
According to the Sacramento Bee, August 14, 2008, “[w]hen reporters and grand jury members began scrutinizing Sacramento Public Library last year, it became clear that [the director’s] job could be in trouble.
This was underscored when, “The Bee revealed an apparent library maintenance over-billing and kickback scheme that operated under [the director’s] watch.” “The grand jury got involved, issuing…a scathing report citing [the director’s] lack of over sight, ill-advised credit card use and overuse of consultants –concluding with a recommendation for her dismissal.”
The director’s “reaction as things got tense? She hired a consultant– this time an expert in ‘crisis communication.’”
Since October, [the director] has paid Communications Advantage $11,000 out of the library coffers.” She “unilaterally made the hire even though the library system already employed a full-time public information coordinator and marketing manager… At the same time, the library has struggled financially and considered reducing services.”
So, what did the taxpayers get for $11,000? “[The consultant] said she counseled library officials on how to deal with reporter’s inquiries…[and]…helped [them] be responsive and provide information in a timely way.”
It takes a consultant for library officials to be responsive and provide information in timely way? Shouldn’t library officials already know how to do that?
There are no excuses for this waste of hard-earned taxpayer dollars. At a time when governments at all levels are facing massive budget cuts, it is completely irresponsible, if not downright criminal, to waste taxpayer money on questionable spending.
Clearly, the director has demonstrated incompetence and arrogance. Library board members need to show leadership by terminating her immediately, and hiring a person with a proven record of being a good steward of tax dollars. Taxpayers deserve to know their government is looking out for their best interests and that there is transparency and accountability in use of public funds.
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