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Barry Jantz

Urdahl Responds to UT Story

San Diego County Board of Ed candidate Rose Urdahl on yesterday’s Union-Trib story

Dear Friends and Supporters:

In yesterday’s Union Tribune an article " Candidate acknowledges she lacks listed credentials" can be found in the local section. I owe each and everyone of you an explanation. I have spent my entire life trying to be a good hard working honest person.

First, lets set the record straight. I have taught many seniors and children arts and crafts throughout my life-time. In the 70’s I was a GPN and worked at the local hospital in the emergency room and delivery room in a tiny town in Kansas where I grew up. The hospital gave me training and I took courses at the hospital. Upon completion of these courses I was given a certificate that enabled myself to be employed at the hospital. A license was not required. I worked in this position for three years. I attended two years of college at Kansas State at Colby Community College. I lack just a few hours for an Associates Degree. My campaign manager assumed that I had an associate degree and placed that on my ballot statement. As of today, I have terminated my campaign manager.

After the suit was filed and I met with my attorney and presented all of my documentation, I was advised that since I am not a credentialed teacher in California I could lose on that issue in court. I was further advised that if I were to lose this case I could be held liable for both sides legal costs, and that this could exceed $30,000.00. At this point I advised my attorney to settle this matter as fast as possible, that I did not have the funds to pursue these issues any further.

So how did I wind up in this position in the first place? I went over everything I have accomplished with my campaign manager and he then wrote out my ballot statement and occupation designation. Unfortunately, I received bad advice. Regrettably, I signed the ballot statement. My web page will have the actual ballot statement on it as soon as our web master updates my web site.

To all my friends and supporters please accept my most sincere and humble apology. I never intended to mislead you or misrepresent any of my qualifications.

For those who have endorsed my campaign and wish to withdraw your endorsement please let me know and I will remove your name from my web site.

I am so sorry that all of this has happened. I admire and respect each and everyone of you. I am at a crossroads in my campaign and seek your input. One person has suggested I withdraw from the race. Another has said, this means you will have to just campaign that much harder.

This weekend our family is praying for guidance and the wisdom to do the right thing.


Rose Urdahl