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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Unveils New Website URL For CA Taxpayers Assoc, –!

This morning it is my unfortunate duty to unveil a new website address for the so-called California Taxpayers Association.  Until now, you could only access their website by going to  But we here at the FlashReport officially unveil, which will take you straight to the home page of this group which has endorsed huge multi-billion dollar sales tax increase proposed by Governor Schwarzenegger as part of a “compromise budget” that seeks to punish California taxpayers for years of massive over-spending.

It speaks volumes about TaxCal (our new name for the group) that now, during a time when pro-taxpayer groups are rallying behind our strong Republican legislators, that they have broken ranks and embracing bigger, fatter state government.  This is exactly the time when you get to learn who are real taxpayer advocates, and who are not. 

The decision to endorse the Governor’s tax plan was made by TaxCal’s super-top-secret Board of Directors.  Well, I don’t blame these folks (at least the ones who voted to blow up TaxCal’s credibility as a pro-taxpayer group) for wanting their names to be held as confidential.  They should all be ashamed for their vote.

**There is more – click the link**

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