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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Obama/Biden Campaign “Dumb Things I Gotta Do Today” List

Update: Wednesday Morning

1. Barack-Backpedal from lipstick on a pig statement

2. Joe-Backpedal from the great idea of he [instead of Hillary] running for VP with Barack

3,  Barack and Joe-Keep distance from supporters comparing the top of ticket to the Messiah, and from Guv. Palin’s never having an abortion being her primary qualification.

 4. Barack and Joe-Thursday’s "Dumb Things" list-Try not to screwup on 9/11

Tuesday Morning

1.   Barack-Insult at least 51% of the U.S. population by comparing Gov. Sarah Palin to a lipstick wearing pig.

2.   Joe-Insult at least 51% of the U.S. population by telling the press that Gov. Sarah Palin running for VP is a setback for women.

3.   Barack and Joe-thoughtfully prepare Wednesdays "Dumb Things" list