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Jon Fleischman

Poizner at the RNC Convention

Here are some thoughts for FR readers from our Republican Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner:

“There has been a media frenzy this week in St. Paul over the new darling of the Republican Party Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. I’ve done more than a dozen interviews and it’s one of the subjects that always come up.

Let me start off by saying that my heart goes out to the Palin family. As a fellow elected official, I know that the families of candidates often suffer unwarranted media attention on issues that are frankly none of anyone’s business. Her record is fair game, but the actions of her teenage daughter are not.

So let’s talk about the substance of Gov. Palin. When Sen. McCain wisely chose her as his Vice President, I did some research. The more I discovered, the better I liked her.

She’s tough and a reformer. She’s taken on the state party chair and won. She’s taken on the state’s attorney general. She beat a sitting governor en route to the Governor’s mansion. She worked to stop the bridge to nowhere.

She’s rooted out corruption even when it’s in her own party. That fits every definition of reformer.

As they say, talk is cheap. Fortunately, Gov. Palin has a record of reform.

I look forward to watching her speech tonight. I’m sure she’ll give a fabulous speech worthy of her great record.

The California delegation is energized and prepared to come back to California to work hard on behalf of the McCain/Palin ticket.”