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Jon Fleischman

Day Three at RNC

Everyone is excited to see how Vice Presidential running mate-mate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin does in her big convention speech tonight.  I know that I am ready for another convention session to begin.  Senator Fred Thompson hit a “home run” for McCain last night, which was awesome.  And despite his reminder of how I disagree with Senator McCain on a few key policy issues, Senator Joe Lieberman gave a wonderful talk “over the heads” of watchful delegates to independent swing voters across America (he did succinctly remind me of a lot of issues where I disagree with McCain, but then I quickly remembered that those pale in significance to horrific prospects of an Obama Presidency).

Before going I’m enjoying my seats in the Alternate section.  Our delegation is awkwardly seated on the actual floor, to the back right hand side of the stage, but the Alternate section, just off of the floor, is front and center in front of the podium!  It’s been great walking around the convention, meeting and shaking hands with GOP luminaries – even getting a chance to discuss some strategy with GOP powerbroker Karl Rove.  Last night, after the convention session, the California delegation went to a party that hosted by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Of course, he could not attend but the party was a great one, and we all got complimentary DVD’s on the way out – the Conan the Barbarian DVD’s were the hot commodity, I hear.  When Schwarzenegger backed out of the convention, Governor Mitt Romney was recruited to fill in for him at this event.  But at the last minute he was pulled away to a Gustav relief event, and so Meg Whitman, the former eBay CEO stepped up to give a few remarks and welcome delegates to the party.

This morning’s delegation meeting was filled with speakers.  The headline speakers were Utah Senator Orrin Hatch (pictured left – we share delegation hotels with the Utah folks) and also longtime GOP strategist Ken Khachigian (pictured right).  We heard from the Governor of Guam, as well as a brief word of greeting from one of the McCain daughters.  Congressman David Dreier and long-time Radio personality John Zeigler also said a few words.

To the left is a photo of GOP strategist Sean Walsh with former Bush (I) spokesman Marlon Fitzwater.  To the right Dan Dunmoyer, Cabinet Secretary for the Governor poses with RNC Treasurer (and Californian) Tim Morgan.

GOP California elected spotted?  Congressmen Ed Royce, Buck McKeon, Elton Gallegly, Wally Herger (pictured below to the left with FR blogger Mike Spence), Dan Lungren and David Dreier.  State Senators Dick Ackerman and Abel Maldonado and Assemblymembers Van Tran and Bonnie Garcia.  Ever-present is Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel.

Today most of the delegates are checking out the Mall of America, and then we’re off to see a great evening of speeches, concluding with Palin’s anticipated address.