The Convention is now underway, and while I could write pages on what I’ve seen, heard, and learned, I’ve decided to give you all a pictorial report for Day One, because it’s almost 1 a.m. and I still have more emails to answer. (:
Here you see the California Delegation sign with "Country First" in the background. I love that slogan; it really makes you think about what politics is supposed to be…a way to serve our country. With Hurricane Gustav blowing in, and two more storms behind it, the California Delegation worked with the American Red Cross to set up a variety of ways for delegates to donate money, hotel points, frequent flier miles, and a number of other ways suggested on It’s been pretty cool to see delegates eager to help and serve fellow Americans.
This is Mary Matalin speaking at a lunch event I attended today, which concerned heart disease in women. Th
ere were several doctors and heart attack survivors that spoke about the need for women to take heart disease seriously, as we are at higher risk than men. John Voight was there, too!
This is a photo of Mrs. Bush and Mrs. McCain being interviewed by Greta Van Susteren on Fox News!
And last, but certainly not least, this is me with Governor Pete Wilson! It was such an honor to meet him…it’s not everyday that you get to talk to a Governor from the great state of California about taxes, foreign policy and energy issues.
More to follow soon…
September 2nd, 2008 at 12:00 am
and Happy Birthday.
September 2nd, 2008 at 12:00 am
Thank you, Matt! I’m planning on having a great day! (: