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Jon Fleischman

Politico: McCain has tapped Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as VP Running Mate

All morning long there has been a lot of drama over speculation of McCain’s pick for VEEP., a respected source, has declared that McCain has in-fact selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his running more.  Look for the latest at

Today’s announcement highlights the strategic advantage of having your convention be the latter one.  For those who are curious, the tradition is that the party that currently holds the White House gets to have their convention last.

3 Responses to “Politico: McCain has tapped Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as VP Running Mate”

  1. Says:

    I had to laugh this morning, watching the networks and talking heads jumping all over themselves trying to determine the choice, right down to reports of private planes between Alaska and Dayton, Ohio fueling the fire. One commentator said, “The McCain campaign has been masterful in creating a huge buzz about the pick.” Really, the McCain campaign did that? It looks to me like all McCain did was successfully keep the selection under wraps. The media created the buzz!

  2. Says:

    I predicted Sarah Palin a year ago in July 2007. Thats 7 months prior to the GOP having a nominee. Here is a link to a red county postong for the reasons why I thought back in July of 2007 why Palin should be put on the national ticket.

  3. Says:

    What a fascinating selection- and for the first time ever, there are candidates on the national ticket with significant ties to America’s oldest (Delaware) and three newest states: Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii!