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Jon Fleischman

Poizner Ramps Up Gov 2010 Team – Retains Meridian Pacific

While a number of names are floating around out there as potential GOP candidates for California Governor in 2010, including former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, former eBay CEO Meg Whitman, former Congressman Tom Campbell and Ventura County Supervisor Peter Foy, there has only been one individual who is taking the actions that demonstrate his interest has moved well beyond that of punditry.   Not too long ago, we broke the news on this blog that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner was actively in dialogue with top-flight GOP consultant Mike Murphy to play a lead strategy role in a run for Governor.

Well, this afternoon we have confirmed that Team Poizner has now brought on board the GOP powerhouse firm of Meridian Pacific to aide in these beginning stages of Poizner’s run.  All three principals of Meridian – Matt Rexroad, Tom Ross, and… (I always forget the one that doesn’t blog for us…  Oh yes..) John Peschong are well-connected, and bring considerable political savvy to the table.  Perhaps equally impressive about Meridian is the high quality of the Associates that they have onboard – I’ve had a chance to work with most of them.  Meridian will provide Poizner with valuable resources and networking capabilities.

According to my reliable sources, Meridian will be focused on the ground/grassroots development side of things, as well as providing strategic direction for this early phase of Poizner’s efforts.

We’ll keep out ears to the ground for other tell tale signs of what Poizner, or any of the other aforementioned potential candidates are doing, that would give specific indications of a run for California office.   Obviously the high-profile roles of Fiorina and Whitman with McCain’s campaign in some respects tie their fate to his – should the Senator become President, either or both of them may take this as a queue to step into a primary with Poizner.

As Poizner moves forward, one can probably expect much more of a public campaign from him once we get a little further down the road…

P.S.  Oh yes, while the FR "network" is wide and deep, we can always use more eyes and ears.  Always feel confident that if you reach out to me, you can do so with complete confidentiality.