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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: ATR’s Grover Norquist Strongly Condemns Sales Tax Hike Proposal

Grover Norquist the President of Americans for Tax Reform has issued a strong statement against Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed large sales tax increase, which is a center piece to his current budget proposal.  This follows up on an a column he penned for the FlashReport which ran last week.  Also of note from Norquist — FR readers may recall that we blogged about a group of self-described affluent folks who wrote to the legislature asking to be taxed at a higher rate to help solve the budget problems.  Norquist sent a letter to the Governor and legislature in response to this, which is attached below his statement on the tax plan…it is a must read.

From Norquist:

“Politicians in California have spent the state taxpayers’ money with little regard for the men and women who earned it. 

State government spending has increased 42% since 2003.  The population of California has risen only 8 % during the same time period.

**There is more – click the link**

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5 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: ATR’s Grover Norquist Strongly Condemns Sales Tax Hike Proposal”

  1. Says:

    Hey John
    I have an idea that might lend some credibilty to the Republican Assembly regarding the budget. I have a gut feeling on this one.
    I’d like our elected officials in the assembly to volunteer their personal credit scores, (disclosure of names can be optional)
    As a voter I’d like to know how our elected officials are able to manage their own personal finances this should reflect on their ability to manage the states finances.

  2. Says:

    That’s a great idea Chris. But why stop with just the legislature? Why not take a look at the finances of, for example, Jon Fleischman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Grover Norquist? Especially Nyquist.

  3. Says:

    Oops; sorry, that should be *Norquist, not Nyquist.

  4. Says:

    I would love to see Laura Richardson’s FICO score, LOL.

  5. Says:

    The purpose of my posting was to offer an outside the box idea to give our party a little leverage at this budget impasse. As a former LO. I would get a feel for a client. Many individuals who had sub prime FICO’s were likely dems. Perhaps dem elected officials share that inability to manage personal debt. The raw unbiased numbers might strengthen our position and prevent a tax raise or further debt. Not to mention may stop any discussion of a state mortgage bailout.