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Jim Battin

What Happens After Arnold?

Steve Poizner continues his momentum toward becoming our next Governor today when the highly regarded and consistenly conservative Weekly Standard featured him on their website in the article "What Happens After Arnold?".

I’ve know Steve for years and agree – if Steve runs – he’ll be a strong candidate.

We – that’d be us Republicans – have a huge job ahead of us in 2010.  We have to find the strongest candidate for Governor and do everything we possibly can to elect him.

It’s bad enough with the kooky liberal Democrat majority in the legislature – that hasn’t seen a nutty idea that they’re not willing to pass into law.  But can you imagine if they have a like minded leftist in the horseshoe signing those goofy ideas into really bad laws?  Yikes – it makes me shudder.

Steve Poizner would be a great Governor.  He’s a serious, thoughtful leader that has already proven himself as a committed Republican.

I hope he runs.