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Matt Rexroad

Support Proposition 8

Another local elected official in Woodland just sent me an e-mail asking why I was not listed as someone endorsing Proposition 8 (Marriage Protection). 
I did not have a good answer for that — except that I had not been asked for my official support of the measure until now.

Many local elected officials read this blog.  You can add your name to the growing list of people supporting marriage as being defined as between one man and one woman by clicking here.

Just click on "Endorse Us Today" and add your information. I just did.

If you look at the endorsement list it already includes FlashReport bloggers Senator George Runner, Senator Jim Battin, Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa, West Covina School Board Member Mike Spence, and former Assemblyman Ray Haynes,

5 Responses to “Support Proposition 8”

  1. Says:

    Great, pls help assemble as comprehensive a list as possible so I can let my friends know who NOT to vote for.


    By the way, did you get the memo?

    According to Frank Schubert, ‘Yes on 8’ campaign manager, the mobilization of LDS (Mormon) volunteers could save his campaign up to $26 million in costs related to micro-targeting persuadable voters.

    Micro-Targeting Mormons:

    So much for campaign finance rules.

  2. Says:

    If this is what you are going to decide your vote on — then please do vote for someone else.

    Matt Rexroad

  3. Says:

    Geesh, I tried to get thru Blanco’s blog and got lost in the gobbledy-gook. It is downright boring to read something so darn lengthy in a “he said, she said” style, every point a rebut of someone else’s point. So much for creativity.

  4. Says:

    Just a heads up: Mike Huckabee recently gave an interview in which he holds Mitt Romney responsible for implementing gay marriage in Massachusetts.


    Welcome to the coalition.

    I wish that more rank and file members of the LDS (Mormon) church would realize: the anti-gay coalition they’ve joined in California is one that includes folks who – given the chance – would vote their church out of existence.

    Folks like Mike Huckabee and his Evangelical buddies.

  5. Says:

    I apologize for the “he said, she said” gobbledy-gook, Greg.

    Although, come to think of it, I don’t remember any “she saids” in that particular post – it was entirely “he said” … as in, Frank Schubert said we all oughta just let smokers be … and all I meant to ask was: why can’t he apply that same libertarian philosophy to our fellow gay Americans?

    Of course, I think the answer is: he’s got a job to do that leaves little time for such pesky inquiries.