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Meredith Turney

Blogging from the Enemy Camp

This week I have the opportunity to do something most Republicans would love (or fear) to do…attend the Democratic National Convention. As a Republican, I won’t have credentials to get into the Pepsi Center, but national convention attendees know that much of the more interesting action takes place outside the convention hall anyway.

I’m here as part of the team promoting documentary film Obsession. This award-winning movie is a startling revelation of the full threat radical Islamic terrorism poses to the West. If you haven’t seen the film already, definitely make it a priority. Our team will be launching a media blitz this week, calling on Senator Obama and his party to truly address radical terrorism—and that doesn’t mean simply talking about hope, change and peace. 

With Obama’s choice of Joe Biden to fill his national/international security credibility void, national security will be a huge issue at the DNC this week. Prior to the VP decision the DNC had already planned on focusing on the issue all week, with a special emphasis on the night the VP choice would be speaking.

I’ll be in Denver through Wednesday, before heading to Minneapolis for the friendlier environment of the RNC, and hope to bring you regular updates about all the action taking place outside the Pepsi Center.

One quick interesting story from the ground: The DNC has credentialed 100 bloggers for the Pepsi Center convention hall, but since the last national conventions bloggers have obviously become major political power players (especially in our own minds). Since there are more blogger than there are credentials, 500 bloggers will be gathering for The Big Tent, a center set up just blocks from the convention hall. Apparently the idea behind the event was to “have a tent with pizza, beer and WiFi for bloggers."  

According to local media, “The Big Tent is a joint project with the Alliance for Sustainable Colorado, DailyKos and ProgressNow.” If you’d like to take a peak inside The Big Tent, watch the action at I don’t know if the RNC has a similar event for bloggers, but if so, I may need some pizza, beer and free WiFi at the end of this week…