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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Budget Debate Under Way

UPDATE: The vote was just taken and the bill, needing 54 votes, was defeated 45-30, with no Reep aye votes.

The Assembly is now on the floor with the budget debate happening now.  The document being looked at is not one that has been put together in a bipartisan way.. It is largely a dolled up version of the joint budget conference committee report, with only Democrats voting for it, known as AB 1781.   

10 Responses to “Budget Debate Under Way”

  1. Says:

    Thanks, Doug…Roger Niello just did you all proud, and then Dymally tried to use Ronald Reagan as a foil against you. Let your colleagues know we say HANG TOUGH!

    BTW, I have the Cal Channel streaming on my laptop, so I can watch the Olympics on TV. Can’t decide which I’ll hang with the longest….but I have confidence you’ll be hanging in there!

  2. Says:

    LaMalfa, Blakeslee, Huff, Walters and DeVore all did a great job too! I don’t see any cracks in the GOP unity. Stand in there, Reps, and send it back.

  3. Says:

    Barry and I are doing the same thing. Except I know the Assembly is going to get turned off first.

    DeVore and Huff did great.

  4. Says:

    I just rc’d an email asking where the debate can be watched:

    Not everyone who reads FR is a hack, apparently. That’s a good thing.

  5. Says:

    (Not to sound negative here)

    As I post my comments and it is close to 8:00 pm, GAWD, they are still tooting and yacking their horns on the debate over AB 1781.

    Thank heavens for steaming online. The only problem with steaming online is that it is not closed-captioned for the hearing impaired. I guess I am lucky enough to wear hearing aids, not so lucky for the rest of the deaf population here in California.

  6. Says:

    Finally, vote was casted on the budget just minutes ago.

    AB 1781 failed due to lack of 2/3rds:

    45 – Yes
    30 – NO

  7. Says:

    45-30 in favor. Fails. Adjourned. John Myers’ real time snippets on the debate is (mostly) pretty funny….

  8. Says:

    At Thermopylae it was 300 Spartans.

    In Sacramento it is 30 Republicans.

    Bravo to our Heroes.

  9. Says:

    Good job, Assemblymen. Keep it up!

  10. Says:

    Shut it down!

    I would love to see the Capitol go dark for six months.