California Republican Party Chairman has "live blogged" from the chambers of the United States House of Representatives, sending in the following report…
House Republicans are recapturing the spirit of 1994 in their ongoing confrontation with Speaker Pelosi and her House Democrats for refusing to even allow a vote on a bill to bring some energy price relief to Americans. Instead, the Speaker is on a book tour and the House is in "recess" (or as we call it in the real world, on vacation).While in Washington today I wanted to support the House Republicans in their efforts to draw public attention to the issue by keeping active on the floor even while the Speaker is selling books (which isn’t going all that well either, according to the ranking on Amazon.). I’m sending this report from just off the House floor where I’ve spent part of the morning thanks to some help from our friend Rep Dreier, the Chairman of the California Republican delegation.
The chamber is dim because the Speaker refuses to allow the lights on, and the microphones remain off.
Arizona Republican Trent Franks and Illinois Republican John Shimkus have been speaking this morning. On the floor, visitors and tourists are sitting in the seats normally occupied by House members. Republican members are coming down and speaking to those gathered about energy issues in what has a town hall style feel to it. As cameras are banned, there are no photos and no CSPAN coverage for this extraordinary event.
Republicans in 1994 confronted the majority party and offered a clear alternative to stale liberal ideas. That’s the spirit I’m seeing out on the House floor right now. Every Republican in California should know about what’s happening here, and the great job our California Republican House members are doing by being part of this effort to get a vote on bringing some energy price relief to Americans. Several of our California members are scheduled to speak next week as the campaign continues.
You can help. Call Speaker Pelosi and urge her to bring the House back to vote on the American Energy Act at 202 224 3121.