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Mike Spence

Time to Override a Governors Veto?

There hasn’t been an override of a Governor’s veto of a California Governor… in well a long time. Previous GOP Governors worked with GOP legislators to help keep overrides from happening.

Except for occasional lobs of grenades into budget negotiations, the Governor really isn’t focused on getting a budget. In fact I question if he is focused on governing at all. He isn’t talking to Republicans.

Why not send him a message? He recently threatened to veto all bills until there is a budget. The legislative response has been to hold passed bills until there is a budget. I know all us Republicans think vetoing all the bills would be great. The reality is that won’t happen. That’s why he allowed bills to go back rather than veto them.

Since there won’t really be a rash of vetoes, why not send him a message about who is relevant. Pick a bill that everyone agrees on and send it to him. If he vetoes it, override it.
Then maybe he would have to work with GOP legislators like Wilson and Deukmejian did.

For the Dems, It would show California his increasing irrevelency in California’s governance. That should be part of his legacy….or at least maybe it would focus him on his job.


One Response to “Time to Override a Governors Veto?”

  1. Says:

    I had a different thought. I figured that perhaps the Democrats might call the Governor’s bluff by passing the vast array of resolutions, studies and commemorative license plate bills that make up the GOP’s legislation that they will support — and force the Governor to break his promise or veto all of the legislation from his GOP colleagues. LOL.