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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Republican Motion To Vote On Budget Bill Denied

The file item that contained the state budget bill, AB 1781, was passed over this morning.  Republicans made a motion to at least have a vote on the current bill, as reported out of the budget Conference Committee.  That motion was defeated, so we still don’t know what the ‘temperature’ of both caucuses is on the current document or how far away the Assembly is from achieving 54 votes to pass any form of budget.  There are 47 Democrat members in regular attendence in our floor sessions.  It is widely assumed, if a vote was taken today, that there are less than 47 likely ‘aye’ votes as of right now for this budget document…but who really knows?   

One Response to “Republican Motion To Vote On Budget Bill Denied”

  1. Says:


    As I read your account of today’s Sacramento games,
    a phrase immediately came to mind… “Liar’s Dice”.

    Is the annual budget battle you face something like that
    ancient game of the barroom? In this case, however,
    you are counting votes, instead of spots on the dice!