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Congressman Doug LaMalfa


No pressure here to raise taxes in this years budget.  I am firm on this point as is our caucus.  

We seek a true spending limitation so we don’t keep doing this everytime the state economy and subsequently, tax revenues are down.  The economy and most other things [global temperature] run in something called cycles.  We cannot always count on high revenue to sustain year over year new spending.  The rainy day fund, which should really be called a drought fund is an important tool to help in budget drought years.  However, we won’t see many deposits into such a fund as rainy day/high revenue years are less likely without a spending limitation on budget spending.  

As it is, I don’t see how we will see the type of excess revenue to sweep into the "drought fund" for a while.  Not this year, not next, and probably not 3 years out.  Which makes the chatter about a rainy day/drought fund as this years big fix, bogus.  It’s not a fix without a spending limit. It’s as simple as that. 

If you want to prolong a stale economy, go ahead and raise taxes to fix this budget…sales tax, income tax, property tax, whatever.  I’ll still be opposed.