If it is indeed true that the Governor has proposed a "temporary" increase in the State sales tax to slap a band – aid on the disastrous budget problem he allowed to be created, then what is left of the GOP in California, the last remnant, can just kiss itself goodbye.
I would suggest the State GOP either call a meeting of the Party’s Executive to immediately denounce the proposal, or just fold up. If we can’t be on the record on the right side of an easy issue, it needs to ask itself why it exists at all.
First, the economy cannot handle any further increases in the tax burden for citizens. Second, keeping taxes low is (was?) a bedrock position of the Republican Party.
If Villines and Cogdill can’t stop this train from leaving the station, and I think they can stop it, then the Party will be even more decimated than it is now, as people continue to leave it in droves over abandonment of simple, small government principles
August 5th, 2008 at 12:00 am
You mean the CA Republican Party isn’t decimated because it “went off the rails” on social issues?