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Jon Fleischman

AppointmentWatch: Arnold Taps 30 New Judges – 16 of them Democrats

This Governor is in the habit of rolling out Judicial appointments in big batches.  Until this week, his last batch of new Judges was announced back in May — twenty of them.  I have made no bones about that fact that it is galling to me that the Governor, who was elected with all of the support of the Republican Party, loves to appoint registrants of the party of Barack Obama to the bench.  In that May batch, it was 9 Republicans and 8 Democrats.  It is a very sad situation for GOP donors and activists that we have to settle with a bare majority of Judicial appointments from our Republican Governor.  It truly makes you scratch your head..

Well, actually, we have now set a new low for GOP appointments — less than 50%.  Monday the Governor announced 30 new appointees to Judicial posts around Californian.  You can see all of them here

We think that it is fair to assume that someone’s party registration is a good way to generalize their beliefs about the proper role of government in our society — Republicans espousing less government, Democrats more.  What was the partisan breakdown of Judicial appointments this week?  Read it and weep…




Here they are by County:

Alameda County – 1 Republican, 1 Democrat
Butte County – A Democrat
Contra Costa County – 1 Republican
Fresno County – 1 Republican, 1 DTS
Los Angeles County – 4 Democrats*
Madera County – A Republican
Orange County – A Republican*
Riverside County – 2 Republicans, 1 Democrat
San Diego County – 5 Republicans, 3 Democrats
Solano County – 2 Democrats, 1 DTS
Sonoma County – A Democrat
Stanislaus County – 2 Democrats
Ventura County – A Democrat

I am actually embarrassed to have a Governor that I supported for re-election place so many Democrats into these extremely important posts.  Then mostly disappointed. 

* – Governor appointed individuals who won election to the bench in June, but were not due to be sworn in until the end of the year – mostly giving Democrats an extra half-year on the bench.

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