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Jon Fleischman

A Reprise Of “The Terminator”

After reading over the Governor’s draft Executive Order to reduce the salaries of around 200,000 existing state employees to federal minimum wage (see my post below this one – also see the draft order here) — it dawned on me that perhaps the bigger news is the part that says, "take immediate action to terminate the services of the following five catagories of employees and individuals: (1) Retired Annuitants, (2) Permanent Intermittent Employees, (3) Seasonal Employees, (4) Temporary Help Workers, (5) Individuals Providing Services Under Contract…"

According to press accounts, this is nearly 20,000 people who will be terminated.

This is huge.  Perhaps it is the "lemonade" of the lemon that is our state budget crisis.  We always see the size of state government grow larger and larger.  Seldom do we see actual reductions,  Unfortunately, when the budget is approved, it is likely that most if not all of those terminated will be rehired — but perhaps there will be areas of state government where it may be realized that, "Hey, we’re getting along just fine without the expense of that additional position."

Then again, probably not.  But one can hope…

One Response to “A Reprise Of “The Terminator””

  1. Says:

    So let’s hurt the real workers of the state. What happens to our dear politicians in Sacramento that can’t come to an agreement? Nothing. If we want change to happen, then we hit the politicians first, like as soon as July 1st comes about and there is no budget, they won’t get paid, nor will the state fund their perks. Oh, and when the budget is agreed upon, our dear politicians won’t get any of that lost money back. Maybe this would force them to agree to a budget before the deadline. I’m just sick of this ongoing budget crisis year after year. No one learns. No money is set aside for those bad years. Our dear politicians don’t know how to spend less than what is actually brought in as revenues.

    So why hurt the workers when the real problem lies with those we elected.

    Aren’t you sick of this?