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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Obama Swimming In Money — More Than All Presidential Campaigns Combined

Know a college student needing summer work?  At U.C. Santa Cruz , my daughter’s school this Fall, i found this announcement posted throughout the campus.

Wow, for helping kicking out the GOP of the White House, a student can get up to $8000 as a summer campaigner. After observing politics a while I’ve never seen such a deal. This year the Dems are swimming in money. Barak just announced his take in June was over $50 million, outdistancing McCain 2-1. Even the hapless DNC, forever broke under Chairman Dean.  is matching nicely against the RNC, just a few weeks after the Obama takeover of those operations. 

And that money doesn’t even include the  fabulous 527s, those underground secretive money laundering operations, which are overwhelmingly in the dem camp. Strange ironies for McCain-Feingold.  Billionaires for Obama, re their donating history  includes Eli Broad, real estate [93% for dems], Ron Burkle, supermakets and FOB [ 98%]; Charles Kushner, real estate and felon, [98%]; George Soros, financier and professional anti American [25% dem, 0 rep and 75% for radical causes]; Steven Spielberg, filmmaker 93%.

Despiite Barak’s lavish and public support for campaign financing reform his entire political life, he renounced the long established position for this election. This is  first time any Presidential candidate has taken this course. 

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Obama Swimming In Money — More Than All Presidential Campaigns Combined”

  1. Says:

    This does not bode well for November…

  2. Says:

    Sadly, hussein obama’s victory may be a bitter reality pill to swallow. We have to thank Bush’s many blunders and McCain’s anti-conservative activities for our huge November losses in congress and perhaps the White House.

  3. Says:

    It is about time that the Republicans are outspent and yes you can blame the current reaction to the Republicans on George Bush and his big blunders. He may go down in history as the worst President ever.