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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrats Tax Plan Is A Tax On Job Creation And Economic Opportunity

The commentary below was penned exclusively for the FlashReport by State Senator Bob Dutton, the Vice Chairman of the State Senate Budget Committee…

Democrats Tax Plan Is A Tax On Job Creation And Economic Opportunity
By Senator Bob Dutton

I try to be optimistic.  I have always believed it is better to look at the positive side of things. Better to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. But I never thought anyone would seriously suggest $10 billion dollars in tax increases when Californians are paying record high gas prices and home prices are in free fall. California also has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country because good paying jobs are leaving this state.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Democrats Tax Plan Is A Tax On Job Creation And Economic Opportunity”

  1. Says:

    Cliche after Cliche….somehow…one feels Republicans signed off on phony budgets in the past few years. Why? Need a paycheck? Spineless? Incompetent? Lock step moderates? Naive? Love the adulation given to big spenders?

    Look in the mirror Republicans….you signed off and it looks you will do it again!!!

  2. Says:

    They haven’t done it this year and for that they should be thanked and encouraged!

  3. Says:

    Lets get a grip! All these legislators are pining for bigger and better things using government power and influence. Most are burnt out, incompetent attornies,career hacks or one issue zealots supported by medieval thinking consituencies….

    How do you change this morass….easy….if an incumbent, vote him or her out in Nov. 2008.