This just in from Navy Commander Larry Wahl, Ret’d. I think it is worth a read on what he has to say about some comments made by Don Perata earlier this week…

Facing a state budget deficit of $15 billion fueled by ever-increasing government spending, state Democrats finally announced yesterday whose taxes they would raise and by how much to pay for it all. Speaking at a press conference, Assembly Speaker Karen Bass and Senate Pro Tem Don Perata explained the $9.7 billion dollars in new taxes under their latest budget scheme.
And that wasn’t even the worst part.
Adding insult to their injurious tax package, Senate Pro Tem Don Perata, D-Oakland, stooped to an all-time low by invoking the memory of fallen heroes from World War II to justify this massive $10 billion tax increase on families and businesses. He said during the press conference Wednesday that we should all pay more in taxes because Americans died at Normandy and Pearl Harbor.
"We’ve heard so much about the Greatest Generation. Tom Brokaw’s book has just unleashed all kinds of paeans to people who were just talking about how wonderful America is thanks to the sacrifices of men and women who died defending the flag, who died for the symbol of the American way of life. I can’t help but thinking that is it too much to ask in the memory of someone who died at Normandy to pay a nickel more for a latte. Is it too much to ask for someone who was killed at Pearl Harbor to take the wealth that they’ve been able to accumulate because of those who died in the Second World War and pay back now for what they were given so much then."
To raise the memory of our World War II heroes as justification for wholly unrelated tax increases, while also equating it to an extra nickel on the price of a latte, is an insult to every man and woman who has ever served this country and paid the ultimate sacrifice so that Don Perata can hold his press conference under the dome of our state capitol.
As a veteran I am offended and insulted that anyone, especially our elected officials would demean the great service and valor that our fallen heroes have given to this country. It was through their valor and commitment to this country that we have been able to preserve our democracy and liberty.
It’s clear that Sacramento Democrats will say and do anything to try to trick the people of California into accepting higher taxes and unrestrained government spending, even invoking disrespectful and contemptible appeals to the respect Californian’s have for this country’s veterans.
Senator Perata owes every veteran family, and every man and woman who has ever worn the uniform of this country an apology. Every single politician associated with this misguided budget increase should disavow his tawdry remarks – it’s the least that can be done for the memory of those in Greatest Generation that Don Perata has spat upon.