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Jon Fleischman

FlashReport “Mobile” Coming Soon – Looking To Make Upgrades

We sent this out to the thousands of FR readers who subscribe to our Daily E-Mail List (you can sign up on the main page).  But since only a fraction of our daily readers are on that list, we wanted to post it up for everyone else’s consideration….

What do you want to see different on the FlashReport?

It’s hard to believe that this Fall, the FlashReport will have been operating as a full-service website on California politics for three years. Before that, the FR was an e-newsletter going back in 2001. Anyways, as we approach year three, we here at the FlashReport team are looking for some input from our loyal readers as we evaluate changes and upgrades to the site.

I am excited to share with you that we are almost done with a new "Mobile" version of the FlashReport that will make navigating the main news page, blog page, commentary page and guest columns page a pleasure from your Blackberry, TRIO, or web enabled cell phone.

As we look at other upgrades to the site, we are looking for YOUR INPUT. Everything is fair game. What we cover. Who we have on our blog. Do you think we should be adding new bloggers? Do you have favorite people that we should be soliciting for columns? How about the look and feel of the site? What would make it easier to use (well, besides taking away the ads that make it possible for us to exist)?

We want to be the "goto" spot on the internet for news and insider tidbits on California politics. We think we’re doing a pretty good job of it now — but we know there is room for improvement! So please take a few minutes and tell us what you think!


THANK YOU for your patronage of our site. Without our many thousands of readers, the impact on the California political landscape would not be what it is today.

As always, keep my e-mail handy ( and do not hesitate to drop me a line. And if you are a FACEBOOK user, check out our FlashReport/California Politics Group.

Jon Fleischman
Publisher and Editor-In-Chief