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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assemblyman Roger Niello: Democrat Budget Increases Taxes and Spending!

Today we are pleased to offer this exclusive Guest Commentary from Republican Assemblyman Roger Niello.  Assemblyman Niello is the Vice Chairman of the Assembly’s Budget Committee, and is the lead Republican in the Assembly on Budget issues…

Democrat Budget Increases Taxes and Spending!
By Assemblyman Roger Niello

Democrats showed their true colors this week by passing a budget out of the conference committee that contains nearly $10 billion in tax increases and increases state spending by billions of dollars over last year.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Assemblyman Roger Niello: Democrat Budget Increases Taxes and Spending!”

  1. Says:

    Hi Jon.
    Yes, well I don’t delve into California Politics much these days, it’s so difficult. As a new reporter for PNN news, I’ve been covering oil speculation and “closing the swaps loophole”.

    However, I did get a chance to look at one of my favorite causes, which is child care in California.

    Once again, it’s not taxpayers and working moms and dads who are getting child care so they can get to work.

    The cash payouts for babysitting money goes mostly to work exempt undocumented mom’s once again,

    Only this time, they cut 16,000 or so slots from the non Cal works recipient working parents instead of the people who stay home and collect babysitting money, while they are supposed to be seeking work.

    Calworks recipients are guaranteed childcare, even though they are home. They are home getting babysitting money, yet 50% of them are exempt from having to work, because they are undocumented.
    Only 26% of the Calworks recipients managed to participate in work.
    If they are home, why do they need babysitting money for child care, especially if the person looking after them is their relative, which over 63% choose relative care.

    Meanwhile 86% of non Calworks waiting on the eligibility list are already WORKING are not guaranteed child care. They just took away 16,000 slots and increased the funding for the people that don’t work.

    I believe it will take time to adjust the mom’s already on CalWorks, and work with them. Change is slow, however, to take major portions of the child care away from working parents and moms to finance the undocumented is in my opinion backsliding.

    It’s business as usual.

    There are some changes being introduced I hear, but nothing excuses this sort of backsliding. Which no doubt is caving into special interest while the American moms and dads who work and pay taxes get nothing.

    16,000 slots given to undocumented moms. It’s supposed to be the other way around, they are supposed to be working on keeping more from coming here, instead of stealing more money from us. Jon, I just want to give up on the whole thing. It’s criminal.