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Jon Fleischman

Protect Marriage Prop. 8 Taps Kerns

FR friend Jennifer Kerns has been tapped as Communications Director for the high profile Protect Marriage Act campaign. Here is an excerpt from their release… Congrats Jennifer…

California Marriage Protection Act Hires Top Communications Director  

“The proponents of Yes on Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Act, and announced today the hiring of public relations professional Jennifer Kerns as Communications Director for the statewide ballot initiative.  

Kerns, the owner of K Street Communications, recently served as Senior Press Secretary for California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner.  She also served as Communications Director for his election campaign, helping Poizner successfully win the endorsements of all 37 major newspapers in California in his landslide election over sitting Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante.  

She previously served as an Assistant Secretary of State and Spokeswoman in the office of Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, where she represented the State on Elections issues, crisis communications, voting system integrity, Special Elections, the 2005 Iraq elections, and more.  Kerns has also successfully served various Congressional and Mayoral candidates throughout California, as well as members of the California State Legislature.”