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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: OC Lincoln Club Leaders Throw Down The Gauntlet – Republicans In Congress Need A New Agenda, and New Leadership

This morning, the FlashReport wants to draw the attention of our readers to a very important column in this month’s edition of Red County Magazine.  While not a lengthy piece, the commentary, We Refuse To Support A Permanent Minority, penned by Orange County Lincoln Club President Rich Wagner and fellow Board Member Chip Hanlon, represents an important watershed moment in Republican politics — the leadership of one of America’s most prominent Republican donor organizations shining a bright spotlight an ugly side of our Republican Senate and House Conferences in Washington, D.C. — an addiction to big government and pork-barrel earmarking.
Wikopedia defines the phrase Elephant in the Room as an, "English idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed.  It is based on the idea that an elephant in a small room would be impossible to overlook."  The strongly-worded piece by Wagner and Hanlon does just that — it draws attention to the obvious — which is that Republicans embraced growth in government spending when we had a majority in both the Senate and the House, squandering an obvious opportunity to demonstrate that Republicans can reduce the size and scope of the federal government.
The "call for action" in the piece is direct, and to the point:

Therefore, as a start, we strongly support and call upon the House GOP leadership to institute a minimum one year moratorium on earmarks by Republicans, and for the Senate GOP leaders to follow suit.  Concurrently, we urge other Republican donor groups to reinforce this important beginning through their influence as well, with the ultimate intent to work towards substantial Republican spending reform.

Second, we are dialoguing with like-minded groups across the country about electing new Congressional Republican leadership in both houses of Congress.  Regardless of November’s outcome, it is time to make a clear statement to voters that we intend to establish a new team and goals, re-discovering our lost principles of a government limited in size, scope, and spending.

We here at the FlashReport wholeheartedly agree with their sentiments…

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4 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: OC Lincoln Club Leaders Throw Down The Gauntlet – Republicans In Congress Need A New Agenda, and New Leadership”

  1. Says:

    Is this like a front row seat in the Roman Coliseum, watching the lions eat the Republican Leadership? Bob Mulholland

  2. Says:

    In regards to the comment by Mr. Mulholland:


  3. Says:

    Right on Jon!

    We all know the Democrats are way beyond any political redemption, but there are still a few honest Republicans with a spine. Up here in Northern CA we saw the divide between liberal big spending Republicans and Reagan Republicans when Doug Ose ran for the 4thCD and promised to bring home the bacon. The Ose Republicans got their butts kicked in when the Reagan Republicans gave the nod to Tom McClintock. More of this needs to happen… big spending Ose Republicans need to change their ways.

    And as stinky as McCain is, we must win because we dare not lose. Once we win, we must rebuild on principle. We must transform NOT conform! We have taken this too long!

  4. Says:

    And yet in SoCal, we still support those who support earmarks. An interesting conundrum…