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James V. Lacy

Barrack Obama publishes “enemies” list and I’m on it!

     Democratic Presidential candidate Barrack Hussein Obama has established an "enemies" list on his official campaign website that "names names" of people and organizations that are publicly critical of him.  "Who is Behind these Lies" is the name of the landing page at, part of the offfical "Obama ’08" website and paid for by the official Obama for President campaign.  Obama identifies "Smears Inc." to include my friend and fellow Western Conservative Political Action Conference director Floyd Brown, conservative author Craig Shirley, mega conservative donor Bob Perry, and me, among others, as his official enemies.   Obama attacks me on the site for being "a long-time conservative activist" who has been a "soldier in the conservative movement for many years."   Yikes!  How many years in Obama’s jail system do you get for that? 

     These hit lists are nothing new for liberal Democrats.  During the Clinton Administration, the First Lady had FBI files pulled, some say illegally, on a number of former Reagan and Bush Administration officials who were critical of her health plan.  Now Obama is doing more or less the same thing by "outing" people for exercising their First Amendment rights to criticize his liberal policies and lack of experience for office.  But I won’t move to Monaco if Obama is elected.   I’ll just find someone to sue in his administration who is violating our rights!  However, I plan on doing everything I can to be sure Obama stays in the Senate in 2009.

4 Responses to “Barrack Obama publishes “enemies” list and I’m on it!”

  1. Says:

    Jim Lacy has been a “soldier in the conservative movement for many years” ?

    Gee, you can’t slip anything past this Obama guy.

  2. Says:

    Jim Sills, when the Obama campaign soon figures out your exceptional service to our conservative cause, expect Obamaniacs to be harassing you as well!

  3. Says:

    I’m jealous – congrats.

  4. Says:

    Mazel tov on your inclusion.