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Jon Fleischman

Nicole Parra Dust Up: Tales of the Unbelievable — Parra, Plescia and McCarthy…

Check THIS out, which just came over from Assemblywoman Parra.  In all of my years of political involvement, I have NEVER seen a joint statement released by a Democrat Assemblymember, and two former Assembly Republican Leaders…  Amazing… (both the instance, and the circumstances…)

From reading the statement below, it seems like Democrat angst should be focused on State Senator Dean Florez, for his work in opposing Nicole Parra.  At the end of the day, who can blame Parra for wanted to get a little "pay back" for that kind of treatment.  Of course, it is a bit poetic that the opportunity to "return the favor" comes in the form of working against the Senator’s mom (yes, as in mother), who is the Democrat torch bearer in the race to succeed Parra…

Read it and disbelieve…


Assemblywoman Nicole Parra
Assemblyman George Plescia
Congressman Kevin McCarthy

Responding to statements by the Kern County Democratic Party that Assemblywoman Nicole Parra should be stripped of her credentials as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, Assemblywoman Nicole Parra, and two former Republican Leaders in the California State Assembly said:

Assemblywoman Parra: “If it weren’t so ridiculous, I would allow myself to be amused by hyperbolic assertions that I am disloyal to the Democrat party. Especially since these assertions come from Democrats who stood by while Dean Florez actively worked against me in the general election in 2004. I am certain that they did not send him a Voter Registration form during that particular intra-party insurgency to recommend that he switch his party affiliation. 

I am a lifelong Democrat who passionately believes in the precepts and principals represented by my party. I am and continue to be a person who believes in the ideas espoused by the Democratic Party.

I was elected to represent California’s 30th district as a Democrat but have proudly served all my constituents as their Representative in the California Assembly.”

Former Republican Assembly Leader George Plescia said: “"I guess that "loyalty" is selective and has a shelf life of milk left out of the fridge too long, since Dean Florez actively worked against Parra in 2004.

Nicole Parra has competently represented this district for six years, and I think that it is a case of her introducing the candidate who she thinks will best represent this district, in that tradition; in this case, Danny Gilmore"

Congressman Kevin McCarthy said: “Dean Florez worked to defeat Nicole Parra. He met personally with me.”

One Response to “Nicole Parra Dust Up: Tales of the Unbelievable — Parra, Plescia and McCarthy…”

  1. Says:

    I know for a fact that Dean Florez’s former Chief of Staff worked against Nicole in 2002 and 2005. He called me and gave me advice on how to do it. I didn’t blame him, she’s a liberal on some issues. She refused to sign the Marriage Protection Pledge. Even Dean Gardner once said his name in an article pertaining to one of her votes.

    However, the issue is hypocrisy. Dean’s people control the Kern County Democrat Party. They stood by while he obviously tried to bring her down (according to McCarthy and Plescia). Now that Fran his mother is the Democrat candidate, Nicole is returning the favor.

    Let’s just hope Danny Gilmore wins this November!