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Mike Spence

Bonnie Lowenthal’s Slip ‘n Fall Health Care Plan Will Be Issue in the 54th AD Race

Bonnie Lowenthal, the 54th AD Democratic nominee and Long Beach City Council Member has plan for health care. It is pretty simple. Make the taxpayers pay. This time it was the taxpayers in Long Beach that appeared to have paid.

Poor Bonnie Lowenthal went to a John Kerry event at the airport in 2004. Like Gerald Ford, She slipped and fell. She apparently hurt herself and instead of being made fun of by Chevy Chase she filed a claim against the City of Long Beach.

See in Long Beach appearing at a campaign event is somehow considered related to her work as a council member. Again, partisan political events were part of her “work”. As a result, she got lifetime medical for the injury and 10K. Not too shabby.

Obviously, Lowenthal was hurt. But why not file a claim against the Kerry Campaign? Or the plane manufacturer for building an aircraft with slippery steps? Or someone other than the taxpayers of Long Beach? Did she have medical insurance at the time? Questions will need to be answered before November.

Also posted on Red County