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Jon Fleischman

Protect Marriage Act Signs Schubert-Flint

The Protect Marriage Act will be the “star attraction” on the November ballot. 

It will truly be “ground zero” as the eyes of the nation focus in on whether the people of California will step up and, in essence, overturn the activist ruling by the California Supreme Court and place into the State Constitution that defines marriage as being between a man and a woman (as opposed to what we will have starting on Monday at 5 p.m., which is more or less that marriage shall be between “Party A” and “Party B”).

Needless to say, some critical decisions will be made by both the proponents and opponents to the Protect Marriage Act – but one of the early decisions will be who to bring on as consultants to drive your public relations and outreach efforts – huge for an issue that comes with so much earned media opportunity, and the spotlight of attention.

Andy Pugno from the Protect Marriage Campaign reached out to me today to let me know the their campaign has retained the four-star GOP team at Schubert-Flint to handle their side of things.  Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint, principals with the firm, are both veteran political consultants, and have amassed decades of success in passing, and defeating, statewide ballot measures.

I caught up to Jeff Flint (pictured), and asked him about his firm’s newest client.  Flint said that, “We’re excited to be helping to pass the Protect Marriage Act.  As we saw with the vote on Proposition 22, Californians believe that the institution of marriage should be between a man and a woman, and we believe that when the issue is put to the electorate, we will see that this has not changed.”

When I asked him if he felt like there was a lot of pressure on he and Frank, and their team (in my own typical style, I think I may have asked how it feels to have the future of the traditional family in their hands), Jeff responded as a true professional would, “We treat all of our client-campaigns as if the future of the world depended on it…  But I do admit, this one does have big implications…”

We’ll be following the efforts of the Protect Marriage Act closely as we move into the Summer and Fall campaign season…

3 Responses to “Protect Marriage Act Signs Schubert-Flint”

  1. Says:

    Oh great, Doug Ose Republicans.
    Maybe they should ask Arnold to help too.
    At least we will know where the 5th column is.

  2. Says:

    Ken, support for Tom McClintock, nor for any one candidate, is the definition of a good conservative. And I don’t need to answer my conservative credentials to anyone.

  3. Says:

    Jeff is a solid conservative and will do a great job on this important measure.