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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senator Dutton Opposes Nichols In Key Senate Committee — Her Nomination Should Be Rejected On Senate Floor

The biggest job killer law in the world was the center of this week’s Senate Rules Committee confirmation hearing of Mary Nichols, who has been named by Governor Schwarzenegger to the important position of Chairman of the Air Resources Board.

FR readers may not be aware that Nichols held this position once before — for Jerry Brown when he was Governor!   After being a part of the left-wing administration of Governor "Moonbeam" she served as campaign manager for Los Angeles Mayor turned candidate for Governor, Tom Bradley.  She worked for groups on the deep end of the environmental wackos list – Natural Resource Defense Council and Environment Now Foundation.  But it’s even worse — she was a senior level appointee of former President Clinton in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and was Resources Agency Secretary under the now-disgraced and recalled Governor Gray Davis.

I know – you’re thinking the same thing that I am — that Republicans won the Governor’s seat in California.  That’s another story — suffice it to say that working the administration of Gray Davis seems to get you extra "bonus points" to get a job with Arnold — he has hired a lot of Davis "alums" and other Democrats.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Senator Dutton Opposes Nichols In Key Senate Committee — Her Nomination Should Be Rejected On Senate Floor”

  1. Says:

    “Moderate” republicans who adore FLASH REPORT have no idea how to go on offense. They are prenneial bootlickers protecting their hard earned country club cards.

    Before your eyes “moderates” the lefties are taking away private industry freedoms, employee jobs and lowering the standard of living of the masses- a guaranteed recipe for a Haiti-style economy in your grandchildren’s future..

    Learn the lessons from social engineering and enviro whackoism in Hawaii, the failed schools, the miserable economic growth rate…familiar???

    The way out….initiative after initiative….GO ON OFFENSIVE OR MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!