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Jon Fleischman

Will Senator McCain Support the Protect Marriage Act?

Besides the November showdown between Senators McCain and Obama, the highest profile item that will be on California’s general election ballot will clearly be the Protect Marriage Act.  This is the Constitutional Amendment that would "undo" the unfortunate decision by the California Supreme Court to nullify Proposition 22, which placed into California statute a definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. 

When the California Supreme’s made their decision, there was a statement released by Senator McCain’s campaign that was very carefully worded, saying that California residents should decide who can marry "rather than having that decision made by judicial fiat."

Ummmm.  If I were a trial lawyer, I would have to raise a question, "Objection!  Vague!"

It is great that McCain thinks that the Supreme Court’s decision to nullify Proposition 22 was a poor one.  But in his statement, McCain avoids the more significant political issue at hand — which is if he were here in California, would he vote for the Protect Marriage Act?  Will he advocate its passage then he comes through the Golden State?

As an officer of the California Republican Party, I have a responsibility to help turn out our core Republican vote this November.  A strong statement of public support from McCain for the Protect Marriage Act would give me, and my colleagues, a powerful tool to motivate conservative values-voters.

I would also say that I believe one of the strengths that Senator McCain brings to the table is his "straight talk" style of not dodging issues.  The Senator has garnered a reputation for being "genuine" through his candid style.  Should I be concerned about his non-typical ambiguity here?

3 Responses to “Will Senator McCain Support the Protect Marriage Act?”

  1. Says:

    Who cares what McCain says…he is the biggest flip flopper since Bob’s Big Boy came on the scene.

    What you got folks is a Bob Dole clone: age, decorated military service, nifty deal making, coddling special interests, soft spoken….and perhaps, a presidential loser to a hopelessly flawed, inexperienced and dangerous candidate to boot!

  2. Says:

    John McCain’s website contains the following statement, under the heading “Protecting Marriage” :

    “The family represents the foundation of Western Civilization and civil society and John McCain believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman. It is only this definition that sufficiently recognizes the vital and unique role played by mothers and fathers in the raising of children, and the role of the family in shaping, stabilizing, and strengthening communities and our nation.”


  3. Says:

    Sorry about the above McCain link.

    If you go to:

    Click on “Issues”

    Click on “The Sanctity of Life”

    and scroll down to “Protecting Marriage”

    you will be able to read the entire McCain position on marriage.