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Jon Fleischman

Live Blogging From the CA RNC Delegation Meeting

I’m live blogging this morning from the organizational meeting of California’s Delegation to the Republican National Convention, taking place this morning in Burbank.
After the primary concluded, the McCain campaign asked me if I would be willing to serve as a Statewide At-Large Delegate.  I accepted the offer which means that FR readers who are not at the big event will be able to follow along as I blog from Minneapolis.
There are about 450 people here, mostly made up of original supporters of Senator John McCain in the Presidential primary (each candidate puts up a slate of delegates and overwhelmingly, based on the results of California’s February Presidential primary, Senator McCain’s delegates were overwhelmingly seated). 
The meeting was opened by California’s Republican National Committeemembers, Tim Morgan and Barbara Alby.  Both received a standing ovation for their service as both will be retiring this Summer after twelve years of service on the Republican National Committee.  Tim and Barbara are both serving in leadership roles for the convention.
Alby placed into nomination former Secretary of State Bill Jones to serve as Chairman of the Delegation — very appropriate as Jones, a long time MCCain supporter, has and continues to serve as the Arizona Senator’s California campaign.
In his remarks, Jones put forward the leadership of the delegation for the convention.
He announced that Governor Schwarzenegger would serve as Honorary Chairman.
Jones then named former Governor Pete Wilson, Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, and State GOP Chairman Ron Nehring at Co-Chairmen of the delegation, going on to add that he would be leaning on Chairman Nehring quite a bit as a "Deputy General Chair" for the delegation, and as a surrogate for Jones.
Jones announced that the Finance Chairman for the delegation is Gary Shamsby (a tough job as it is primarily about raising a lot of funds to support a massive delegation traveling half-way across the country).
Also named were the following:
Committee on Credentials:
John Peschong
Rosario Marin
Commitee on Rules
Bob Laurie
FlashReport’s own Jill Buck
Committee on the Platform
Jennifer Russo
Congressman Kevin McCarthy

(Congressman McCarthy has actually been named as one of three Co-Chairmen of the Platform Committee.)
Committee on Permanent Organization
Assemblyman Van Tran
Sonia Denham
Right now, the RNC’s Co-Chairman, Jo Ann Davidson is telling delegates why the Sofitel and Sheraton Hotels in Bloomington are wonderful places to stay for five days (hmmmm).