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Jon Fleischman

Look who stopped by…

As I type this blog post into my computer, I am more or less lamenting the fact that Senate President-Elect Darrell Steinberg is such a nice guy.  He was just by my office suite (he didn’t come to see me, but I did have an opportunity to chat with him for a few minutes).  I found him to be extremely engaging, friendly and disarming.  All traits that make him especially dangerous, I suppose, from the perspective of these qualities all working to make Steinberg more effective as a politician.  That is to say, I think state government is way too big and spends way to much.  Clearly he does not agree.  Ahhh, such is life.

It struck me that he won’t be the source of nearly as much fodder as the guy whom he is replacing in the big chair — Don Perata — who is famous for his flamboyant ways. 

Anyways, here’s a photo we just took.  Myself (in the casual attire), Steinberg, and Chino Hills Mayor Curt Hagman, the GOP nominee in the overwhelmingly Republican 60th Assembly District, who was also by the offices.