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Brandon Powers

Worst Headline Of The Night

Last night, San Bernardino County Supervisor (and former FR blogger) Brad Mitzelfelt handily avoided a run-off in securing his election victory. (In these multi-candidate skirmishes, if a candidate gets a single vote above 50%, it’s game over).

Brad’s ~62% obviously cleared that hurdle with room to spare.

So imagine his shock when the local newspaper came out this morning (at oh, 4ish) with coverage of the race included the headline "Vogler Still Has Chance At Win For County Supervisor."

Newsflash – Um, no she doesn’t.

I guess this is the High Desert’s version of "Dewey Defeats Truman."

One Response to “Worst Headline Of The Night”

  1. Says:

    Brad’s done an excellent job of representing the concerns of the district and his outright election is well earned.