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Meredith Turney

California Supreme Court Denies Stay in Marriage Ruling

Breaking news regarding the homosexual marriage ruling: the California Supreme Court has denied the motion to stay the court’s decision allowing homosexual marriage. This means that in just 10 days homosexuals will be allowed to legally be “married” in California. Traditional marriage advocates and many states with constitutional marriage amendments had petitioned our state’s highest court to stay their marriage decision until November when voters will decide on the Protect Marriage initiative (which just qualified yesterday). Unfortunately, the court has once again decided against the best interest of California.

If Protect Marriage passes in November, it will prompt a whole slew of new lawsuits against the state as homosexuals “married” in June-November will find their relationships in legal limbo. But it has become painfully obvious that at least four of the California Supreme Court justices would rather impose their political opinions on citizens than truly consider the long-term impact of their judicial activism. This is yet another sad day in the battle to save traditional marriage and reclaim our government from elitists like the justices of our court system.