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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Lousy Turnout Today? Thanks Prop. 93!!

With all the many candidates chasing few voters today, it brings to mind how interesting our traditional June primary could’ve been if our entire primary was today.  Senator Clinton and Obama could have spent a ton of money in CA the last few weeks instead of a pittance in February’s term limit exten….I mean "presidential primary" election, not to mention the entertainment value of their hard fought effort to get all of CA’s delegates at this time.  

We coulda been relevant!  Would’ve helped our election vendors economy here too.  Think of "all that revenue the state has lost" and at a time when the drumbeat for fees and taxes is getting louder because of our messed up budget…but hey, we know that the $90 million taxpayers paid for a third election this year won’t be missed and will really help make the case for a subsequent term limit proposition to be embraced by the public!  Meanwhile all you poll checkers, try to stay awake today, and thanks again Prop 93!

3 Responses to “Lousy Turnout Today? Thanks Prop. 93!!”

  1. Says:

    Thank you Arnold and Nunez.

  2. Says:

    One could make the argument that California in February kept Hillary in the game and that if California were holding its presidential primary today, Obama would already be the nominee.

  3. Says:

    You are right about the low turnout, Doug. I have been poll watching all day and I have never seen turnout this low. Never.