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Meredith Turney

Election Day Voting Embarrassment for Doug Ose

My boss Karen England was at the Placer County Registrar of Voters this morning when Doug Ose showed up to cast his ballot. Here’s her account from Red County:

Ose Doesn’t Know How to Vote in the 4th CD

As Mike Spence just reported, Doug Ose failed to sign his ballot when he voted at the Placer County Registrar of Voters this morning. I was actually there with Rick Staats and we witnessed the whole episode. Here’s what happened when Ose realized he hadn’t signed his ballot. The election officials had to get a key to unlock and reopen the highly secured ballot box and retrieve his invalid ballot.  In true elitist fashion he was unwilling to take responsibility for his incompetence, muttering under his breath “this is bull ****!”

Since when is ballot security bull ****?

Keep in mind that yesterday Ose had McNally Temple employee Richard Robinson call the Registrar’s office and ask to have someone there to “show Doug how to vote.”  He needs to be shown how to vote?  Guess he didn’t know how things work in Placer County because he has never voted here before.  Maybe he thought we vote differently here in a conservative county.

2 Responses to “Election Day Voting Embarrassment for Doug Ose”

  1. Says:

    Meredith –

    Did you know that Sacramento Registrar’s records show that Ose never voted before he ran for Congress in 1998?

    True enough!

  2. Says:

    No wonder Doug Ose’s votes in Congress were all over the map! (First he was for partial birth abortion, then he was against it, or vice versa depending on the audience…)

    This guy doesn’t know how to vote!

    Would any serious person consider sending a 52-year-old man to Congress who cannot figure out how to cast a standard ballot?