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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: All Quiet In San Diego’s 75th — But Not By Chance… His name is Fletcher, Nathan Fletcher

If a textbook on winning campaigns is ever written, exhibit A should be the State Assembly Campaign of Nathan Fletcher.  He cleared the Republican field in the open seat of one of the prize Assembly seats in California —beautiful, prosperous, coastal– yet Republican.  The seat is about 80% city of San Diego, with Poway, some county land, and part of Escondido rounding it out. 

Historically, this seat has been a vicious primary— lot of candidates, lot of money and the winner emerging in a tight and hotly contested race.  The 2008 contest for the open seat of termed out Assemblyman George Plescia looked early to be no break from the past. 

Surprisingly, when Republican voters go the polls next Tuesday they will see only one choice:  Nathan Fletcher.  What Nathan Fletcher did is remarkable.  How did a first time candidate, without personal money to scare people away, manage to clear the field in one of the best Assembly districts in California ?  Especially given the ideological divides that often show up in GOP primaries – especially in San Diego — given Nathan’s strong credentials as a social and fiscal conservative leader.  To those of us that have known Nathan for years it was not a surprise. 

He simply outworked everyone else.  Nathan grew up in a blue collar family and that work ethic paid dividends in this race.  He announced first and set about to raise more money in each reporting period than any Assembly candidate in the state—of either party!  That includes those who put in buckets of their own money!  He gathered endorsements—including key San Diego endorsements like Governor Pete Wilson , the entire county legislative delegation, and the Mayors of all the cities in his district.  He simply overwhelmed all the competition.  Nathan was also very innovative in the use of video, audio, and next generation web tools to reach a new audience of voters.  At the end of the day, no other Republican even pulled papers to run for this seat.   

So he won’t have a tough race, but if someone thinks Nathan didn’t earn his stripes in a campaign keep in mind he is a Marine who was decorated for valor for performing courageously under direct and sustained enemy fire.  He served as a counterintelligence specialist on a tour in the Sunni Triangle region of , Africa and likely others places he could tell you—but then he would have to kill you.

Once it looked like he would not have a tough race did he stop working?  Nope.  There are a lot of candidates out there very happy that Nathan is not in a tough race.  Nathan was the only candidate to give over $30,000 to the assembly leadership committee of Mike Villlines last year-and will likely do it again this year.  Nathan has also contributed to John McCann (78th), Gary Jeandron (80th), Danny Gilmore (30th), Gabriella Holt (54th), Jeff Denham (recall) and a host of local candidates.  He has organized precinct walks for local city council candidates, called his major donors on behalf of the targeted races and demonstrated the model of a team player.

More importantly, he knows the importance of working his district.  The 75th, while a Republican seat is a costal one and he isn’t taking anything for granted.  We need dedicated candidates like Nathan to solidify Republicans and turn them out.  Additionally, we need to gain the support of DTS voters (very high percentage in the 75th) and even get some pro-veteran Democrats.  He can do that.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: All Quiet In San Diego’s 75th — But Not By Chance… His name is Fletcher, Nathan Fletcher”

  1. Says:

    Nathan did the same thing that Assemblyman George Plescia did when he first ran-He got out early and got all of the key endorsements. When others tried to get into the race, they found that George had gotten the key endorsements already. Nathan followed suit, but this time, no one wanted to take a chance against him. They learned their lesson with George. If a person is qualified and gets all of the endorsements early on, others might as well forget running.

    Good Luck to Nathan and thanks to George for showing the way.

  2. Says:

    Nathan Fletcher is the not only a great candidate, and a total team player, but also someone who will represent the conservative 75th AD well. I look forward to having him me (Scripps Ranch) represent me!

  3. Says:

    Nathan … your bumper sticker is
    on The GOP Motorhome now so you’re
    bound to win! … db