One of the most frequent e-mail queries that we get here at the FlashReport is from loyal readers wanting to know who are the "good candidates" to vote for when it comes to judges. Alas, it is often that our message back is that we just don’t know. Well, we are pleased to share with you that this election cycle, the California Republican Lawyers Association has worked hard an put together recommendations in many of the judicial races in counties around California… CRLA President Steve Baric penned this piece to introduce his organization’s recommendations (this piece first appeared on FR friend Steve Frank’s California Political News & Views website)…
LINK TO CRLA JUDICIAL VOTER GUIDEThe People We Elect As Judges Matters – A Lot!
By Steve Baric, President, California Republican Lawyers Association
As Secretary of the California Republican Party and President of the California Republican Lawyers Association, I have traveled throughout California speaking to Republican organizations regarding the power of Judges. I usually start the discussion by asking the following question
“What branch of government do you believe is the most powerful – the legislative, the executive or the judicial?”
I have been amazed by the fact that every group responds that the most powerful branch of government is the judiciary. Therefore, it seems ironic to me that we spend so little time and resources on judicial elections. Millions are spent every year electing Republicans to positions in the legislature. Yet, every law they pass is subject to review by a Judge. In effect, a Judge will have the final say on the actions of the officials we work so hard to elect.
Therefore, doesn’t it seem foolish that we spend so little effort on judicial elections? Can anyone remember the name of the last judicial candidate they voted for or wrote a check to or walked a precinct for? We are making a big mistake by ignoring these races. Sadly, the left doesn’t make the same mistake; they have focused on the judicial branch for several decades. They realize that what they are unable to achieve at the ballot box they can accomplish in the Courts.
If anyone doubts the fact that the left is using the Courts to promote their agenda one only has to consider the recent opinion of the California Supreme Court in the Gay Marriage cases. In 2000, the People of California passed Proposition 22 by a substantial margin. With one stroke of the pen, four Judges erased 2000 years of tradition redefining marriage and ignoring the will of 61% of the California voters.
We as Republicans must begin to take an active role in making sure that we elect Judges who believe that role of a Judge is to follow the law not create it. To that end, we at the California Republican Lawyers Association have prepared a statewide judges voter guide. We have reviewed every contested judicial race in California.
The preparation of this voter guide was a massive undertaking. Information regarding judicial candidates is difficult to obtain. In order to obtain the necessary information we held candidates’ forums, interviewed candidates, interviewed local attorneys and researched who and what organizations endorsed each candidate. We hope this guide will provide information to the voters so they can make an informed decision about these important elections.
Finally, in some races the California Republican Lawyers Association has issued endorsements or recommendations. These endorsements are based on the information we obtained from the above sources. These endorsements were ratified by our Board of Directors, which is entirely comprised of practicing attorneys. Judicial candidates we endorsed evidenced the following criteria: integrity, superior legal reputation and experience. Most importantly, all of the candidates endorsed by the CRLA expressed that they understood that the role of a Judge is to apply the law, not create it.
As the only Lawyers organization chartered by the California Republican Party, the CRLA is happy to provide this important information to you. If you have any questions please contact us here.
Steve Baric, an attorney from Orange County, is a former County Prosecutor. He is an elected officer of the California Republican Party. You can contact him, via the FR, here.
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