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Matt Rexroad

It’s all about the Electoral College

The past few weeks the national polls seem to be focused on the head to head match up between Senator Obama and Senator McCain on a national level.  Who cares?

The election in November is going to depend on about a dozen states.  In these states the McCain v. Obama contest is much closer. has this article that contemplates a McCain blowout.  That is a little premature but it is focusing on the real question:  Who will win the electoral college?

One Response to “It’s all about the Electoral College”

  1. Says:

    An Obama win in the EC is far more likely. Obama will definitly pick up states Bush carried. McCain is unlikely to pick up states that Bush never won.

    The Dems smell blood in the water…and they are talking about HOW FAR they will go in putting the Bush administration in jail. Not IF, but WHEN.

    This will not end well.