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Jon Fleischman

Just When You Thought Fabian Couldn’t Go Lower…

If you haven’t already, be sure you check out the article on the main page today where former Assembly Speaker Fabian “Louis Vuitton” Nunez in essence accuses those of us who took issue with his lavish spending as being anti-Mexican — what a load of hooey. Anyways, here’s what Hector Barajas and Kevin Roberts of the State GOP have to say about it —

“There is little to be surprised by in Fabian Núñez’ outlandish statements that those who questioned his expenses were not looking out for the public’s best interest but rather was motivated by race.  

In an interview with the Spanish-language program Voz y Voto on Univision, Núñez railed against the “anti-Mexican, anti-Latino” sentiment he claimed motivated the probe into his questionable expense reports.  Even his spokesman, force-fed himself the racial Kool-Aid, stating, “You cannot deny there’s some overtly racial overtones to this.”

Let’s remember, as the representative of one of the poorest districts in California, the Los Angeles Times reported that Núñez spent more than $47,000 in airfare, more than $5,000 at a wine cellar in France, and more than $2,500 in “office” supplies from Louis Vitton.  

The public, which included Democrats, Republicans, union members, and most importantly his own constituents, wanted to find out why – with a 40% graduation rate in his district, looming deficits, and cuts in state programs – their representative was out living large while they were struggling to make ends meet for their families.  

It was Núñez who after to months of excuses, contradictions, and a sprint through a hotel kitchen (the speed of which had to impress the media he was bolting away from), he gave the public the reason why his expense report showed $3,238 in wine purchases at the Cave L’Avant-Grade in France, they did not accept American Express.  

Núñez should know, you don’t lead with your chin and as a public servant you are held to a higher standard of conduct.”