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Jon Fleischman

Five CA GOPers Vote to Override Bush’s Worthy Farm Bill Veto

Well, we don’t have a happy ending to the Farm Bill follies.  As we have written about, this Farm Bill before Congress is TERRIBLE public policy.  It typifies everything that is wrong with our Congress.  It takes BILLIONS of dollars and doles it out around the country to agricultural interests (from the family farm — many of which are huge) to big ag conglomerates.  Anyways, the idea is that at the most basic level, this is the federal government taking from your pocket to place that money in someone else’s.

Is it shocking that such a bill would pass a Democrat-controlled Congress, no?  Should it be shocking that a majority of REPUBLICANS voted for this dog with fleas?  Yes.  Is it really shocking.  Unfortunately, no.

It is proof that Republicans in Congress don’t get it — that we lost Congress because we are no longer the party that stands for a limited federal government, lower taxes and returning the power to the people. 

You can’t beat the Democrats by being 95% like them.  This Farm Bill was an important vote because it helped to reinforce in my mind that our GOPers back there (well, the ones who voted for it) are ready to settle into permanent minority status.

To update FR readers on our California Congressional Delegation — I had earlier reported that only four GOPers had voted for it — Reps. Doolittle, Herger, Gallegly and Radanovich.  Though I did not that Rep. Mary Bono Mack was not present due to a death in her family.

Well, as the President promised he would do, he vetoed that bloated Farm Bill.

Last night, the House voted to over-ride the President’s veto and, believe it or not, Doolittle, Herger, Gallegly and Radanovich all voted for the over-ride.  Even worse, Bono Mack was back for this vote, and joined with them!  Ugh…

In my mind I am picturing the circular firing squad…

One Response to “Five CA GOPers Vote to Override Bush’s Worthy Farm Bill Veto”

  1. Says:

    From the Honorable Representative’s website:

    The Congressman’s priorities for 2007 include:

    • Making real progress in winning the War on Terror;
    • protecting our troops and watching out for our veterans;
    • securing our borders and reforming our nation’s immigration policies;
    • keeping our federal taxes from being raised;
    • getting control of government spending;
    • reauthorizing of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, which provides money to rural counties for schools and to build roads; and,
    • appropriating the final federal cost share of the Folsom Bridge project.

    Perhaps he should read it again.