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Mike Spence

LA Judge Race Show Politics of Bar Rating System.

Need another reason to not trust lawyers and the Bar Associations. Conservatives have known that at the federal level the American Bar Association play politics with their rating system. 

Need proof at the local level. Look at poor Bob Henry. Henry is Democrat and has been a Deputy Attorney general for two decades.

In 1992 he ran for judge and came in second. The bar rated him “qualified”. He ran again in 2004 and was rated as “well qualified. Two years ago he ran and was rated “qualified”. 2008 he runs and is now “not qualified”.

To get it straight. The bar rating system four years ago had him as “well-qualified”. Since then he has been in a spiral downward dropping to “qualified” and then now to “not qualified”.

I know being a Democrat didn’t hurt him. So what’s changed? 

Other than the make up of the review committee probably nothing.