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Mike Spence

Ron George Gives GOP Chance to Reach Hispanic Voters.

Every two years, I’ve heard about how the GOP is reaching out to Hispanic Voters. Some years that means Viva! Fill in the blank candidate bumper stickers. Other years it means a nice conference at an expensive hotel.

Now the liberals on the State Supreme Court have given Republicans an opportunity to connect in a real way on an issue that matters. The family.

Survey USA results show that Hispanics support the proposed initiative more than any other ethnic group.

So will the GOP and other groups that want to reach out to more Californians (New Majority, CRAFT) actually reach out on this issue or will they hide?

2 Responses to “Ron George Gives GOP Chance to Reach Hispanic Voters.”

  1. Says:


    To say the GOP is reaching out to Hispanics may be a bit of an understatement. Veteran’s of many election cycles who are part of the GOP Hispanic Outreach or McCain’s outreach are commenting that what is occurring now is different and has more purpose than any time before.

    As well as being one of your Unit Presidents in the CRA, I am also the State Chair of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly. I have personally talked to past Chairs and more is happening now than before.

    I am also serve on two of McCain’s statewide coalitions. I am helping to head up the Americans of Faith and advise on the Latino Coalition. The Latino Coalition is receiving more support than myself or other high level leaders were expecting.

    All that to say, yes there is a huge outreach push right now and it is not just words.

    There is nothing surprising about the support of Marriage from Hispanics. The Republican ‘values’ almost always align better to the social values of Hispanic’s when it comes to family values. Our job is to educate the masses that the Republican Party is the party of values.

    Richard Rios
    Republican Roots

  2. Says:

    The Republican Party needs to present its message better. The majority of the people in California have a strong belief in God, family, working hard, and helping those less fortunate in life. What people do not like is having it shoved down their throats. All too often, that is what the Republican Party does. You must be for this and against this or you are on the outside without support.

    Look at your own school board. You have a female Hispanic who beat an incumbent, receiving one of the largest vote totals in the history of WCUSD. Did anyone in the power structure of the local or state Republican Party reach out to this young women? No. Instead, some attacked her, as she did not bow down and worship at the feet of some in power.

    As long as the Republican Party continues to foster the image of the Grand Old “White Guy” Party the party will not get support from Hispanics and African-Americans, of which a majority hold many of the same views of the Republican Party on God, marriage, immigration, and other hot button issues.