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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Jim Brulte Praises Governor’s Budget Revisions And Call For Rainy Day Fund

Longtime FR friend Jim Brulte, the former Leader of both the Senate and Assembly Republican Caucuses, penned this commentary after reflecting on the Governor’s May budget revisions, announced yesterday.

Fiscal Conservatives Have Got To Rally Around The Governor’s Budget And His Call For Rainy-Day Fund
By State Senator Jim Brulte, Ret.

Before this year’s state budget gets picked apart by the interest groups who always want more funding and spun up by legislators who have to position themselves for re-election, I want to note a few things about the Governor’s May revision.  

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Jim Brulte Praises Governor’s Budget Revisions And Call For Rainy Day Fund”

  1. Says:

    To The Betrayed:

    The era of BLOW UP THE BOXES is deemed offically over!

    The era of a Republican candidate for president becoming an enviornmental whacko is upon us!

    Asking “fiscal conservatives” to vent in favor of a responsible state budget is noble….but lest we forget….the moochers far out number the producers in California and being daintly noble just doesn’t cut it…